With the advent of Foreign Universities, the face of Indian education may certainly change. But the absence of in-house facilities for imparting Softskills (including communication skills, personality development, decision-making and IT) to students of Business Administration/PGDM/IT will continue to haunt the majority of B-Schools in India -- especially in Uttar Pradesh, Madhya Pradesh, Uttrakhand, Maharashtra (Hindi-belts)and it affects these professional...
Outsourcing creates wealth by 'cost-cutting', and it generates employment in the country to which business processes are outsourced -- we all know this . Can this Corporate economic advantage be transformed into a National Advantage for the People of USA -- the Country that outsources? Yes! 1. The 'savings made in terms of reduced costs' by the Corporates (through outsourcing) must, by legislation, be invested in Long-Term Infrastructure Bonds issued/sold by the Treasur...